Behind the Scenes


Photo by Andria Desroche

Bridget Squires, Staff Writer

All eyes were on Junior Camden Carter and Sydney Mendenhall on Thursday January 15 as they began the Martin Luther King assembly they addressed all who were in attendance about the importance of recognizing all the things Dr. King accomplished for our country. All eyes remained on these two as the assembly ended and everyone processed the events that they had just been a part of. Given the privilege of taking on the MLK assembly Carter, Mendenhall and their fellow committee members had a lot to do in the few short weeks leading up to this day,

“We had to get all of our speakers together, make sure all of the actors had costumes, make sure we had the Martin Luther King mural and basically all of the technical stuff down. We had to make sure our speeches were in the time limit…which one of them was not, make sure Savannah and Spencer had everything they needed, it was all a bunch of technical stuff,” junior Carter said.

“I wanted to make it something that people are going to be interested in and that they want to go to because people all the time are saying how it’s their least favorite assembly of the year and it’s so boring and I wanted it to be something where people want to go and they want to learn and have fun,” Mendenhall said.

Being in charge of such a serious and meaningful assembly is not something that could have been taken lightly,

“I definitely felt some pressure because I didn’t want to mess it up, cause I know that this is important for a lot of people, like the whole diversity and equality thing. So I wanted to make sure it was on point,” Carter said.

“The most stressful part is getting speakers that people are interested in because it always a rough assembly that way, but you get assigned the committee  far out and then you can’t really do anything in that far out time, everything is basically done in the week before and that’s really hard time management,” Mendenhall said.

On the day the assembly finally arrived you can guarantee this was going to be a big day for these two committee chairs,

“Before it began I felt uncertainty I was just scared because I wanted it to go well but I didn’t know if it was going to. During I was overjoyed with the way it was going, I loved every single part of it, every speaker, every poem, and everything was just awesome. Afterwards I just felt relief knowing it was done and I was over and we did it but our overall goal was just to honor him and make it an enjoyable assembly, ” Mendenhall said

“I was really stressed and nervous because anything could go wrong at any moment. During I was feeling better, until the bell rang and we went over time. And after I was just really glad it was over and everyone kept telling me how good it was,” Carter Said.

Working with another person and being able to give them equal charge over something that you’re working on can be difficult but Camden and Sydney pulled it off, and came together to create an assembly that will be kept in the memories of all here at GP.