What Will Going Back Look Like?

Angelina Offin, Staff Writer

If you are going back to school, here is a re-cap of the safety plan and what to expect when you go back! Seniors and Freshman are going back to school March 29th while Juniors and Sophomores are going back April 12th. Cohort A goes to school on Monday’s and Wednesday’s which is students with a last name beginning with A-K. As for cohort B, they go to school on Tuesday’s and Thursday’s which includes students with the last name beginning with L-Z.

On your day that you are coming to school, here are the steps you should take every morning:

– Complete the daily attestation form by 6:45am (click here for attestation form!)

– School doors open at 7:00am and students then enter through assigned door by grade level

– Seniors use the north entry which is next to the tennis courts

– Juniors and Sophomores use the grizzly entry which is by the parent pick-up and drop-off

– Freshmen use the main entrances which is by the bus loop

– Classrooms will open at 7:15am, students arriving prior to 7:15 will wait in the cafeteria until the classrooms open

-If you arrive after 7:30 you will report to the main office attendance window for attestation or screening


Here are the steps to follow to ensure your safety while at school:

Traveling through the school:

– Staff and students will maintain social distancing when traveling through the hallways

– As much as possible, students should remain 6 feet apart

-Students are expected to remain masked while transitioning to their next class

– Students are expected to always walk on the right side of the hallways and stairwells



–  Students will wash/sanitize hands

– Administrators will supervise the cafeteria before school and during lunch

– Students will be assigned a seat in the commons, must use the same seat every day

– Students with lunches brought from home will walk directly to their assigned seat

– Students who are receiving a school lunch will walk through a physically distanced line to grab their pre-bagged lunch

– The cafeteria will be arranged with chairs spaced 7 feet apart

– There will be three lunches to accommodate cafeteria capacity


In the classroom:

– Desks are spaced 6 feet apart

– Disinfectant wipes will be available in every classroom for student and staff use

– Limit use of high touch materials or equipment between students

– Classroom sinks may be used for student hand-washing throughout the day

– There will be no food in classrooms

– Materials will be distributed by the teacher


It’s great to have you back grizzlies! Check-out the links the below to get a more in-depth look at the safety plan.

Click here for the safety plan!

Click here for the back-to-school safety video!