Kids These Days


Abigail Allan, Staff Writer

Are millennials really all that bad? Young adults and teenagers are constantly being attacked by middle aged men and women who see nothing but the negative. Since I was born in 2000 I fall into the millennial generation. Within these past couple years in my life, I’ve had adults, parents, and teachers criticize me for how my generation behaves and acts. I have heard that we are unmotivated, entitled, shallow, have no work ethic, hard to manage, and everything in between. But aren’t the same people who bash us the ones who raised us? The way we behave is a reflection of the way our parents brought us up and the environment we are surrounded by. Maybe if we were not consistently engulfed in an environment where superiors make us feel like failures, we would have a chance to see our potential.

We as millennials are full of positive qualities. We are a generation of acceptance. We strive for equality and are the least judgmental age group when it comes to people’s sexuality, gender, or race. We fight for what we want. We are not afraid to speak our mind and will challenge anyone who tries to silence us. We are open-minded. We are interested in new ideas and will not immediately shut something out just because it is different. We are quick to adapt to new situations. Because we are growing up in such a fast-paced world, we know how to handle change and multitask in order to get things done.

There is no such thing as a perfect generation. There are plenty of reasons why we are not the most loved age group, but what good does it do to tear us down? We have the capability to accomplish amazing things, and someday we will.