The Thrill of It All

Sam Smiths album cover.

Sam Smiths album cover. Credit:

Lilian Bock, Staff Writer

True art. Hearing these songs on this album will get you thinking about exes you have never even dated. If you like slow/sad music, I highly recommend this album for when sometimes you’re tired of smiling all day and just want to hit pause in your life. Each song has its own story of how it was made, which can make you hear those songs differently and more in depth.

“I haven’t been very lucky in my romantic life, it’s true. I’ve found it all pretty difficult, and I guess in my songs it all just comes spilling out,” Smith said.

In his previous album, ‘In the Lonely Hour’, he poured out his heart about his past lover who had broken his heart. On this album, there’s a song called ‘One Last Song’, which Smith explains is the his last song he is going to write regarding his past lover, considering he already wrote ten of them. Through the new songs, he has realized how to cope with broken heart and not get too attached too quickly. I would say this album is an emotional rollercoaster with Sam’s angelic voice. One of my favorite songs in general is ‘Scars’. Smith brings up his mother and father’s divorce which ended very well in his eyes. Some may think how could this be one of his happiest songs but in his broken-hearted world, this counted as an obstacle he passed with only a few scratches.