The Messages On The Wall


Some of the many inspirational signs in the commons.

Taylor Bopko, Staff Writer

Walking around the halls of school, it would be hard to miss the positivity posters the ASB have put on the walls throughout the entire campus. The goal? It’s simple; ASB just wants to make school a welcoming place to come to, and a positive experience overall.

“I love the fact that ASB does them, I think the signs are beautiful. I think the message behind them is just to send positivity through the school, make everyone have a brighter day…it’s more than just a sign, it’s a message,” Lauren Peltier, a freshman class officer, said.

These messages adorned with sparkles and bright colors can be seen in almost every corner of the school, and the positivity is everywhere. This is just one aspect of the positivity that the ASB tries to share with the school, not including assemblies or spirit days.

“It’s a pick me up every time you walk by it. It brightens up the hallways instead of just looking at plain walls,” Anya Knowlton said.

These eye catching posters are constantly being made, with ASB students creating them what seems like constantly in order to get their message out there.

School may be a scary place for new comers or people who tend to not like school, but the ASB wants to help make their time here at Glacier Peak as fun and exciting as possible, which is seen through these posters.

Examples of these signs can be seen throughout the school (they’re hard to miss). Always look out for them, and thank the ASB members who make them.