From VSCO to Hoodies for Wintertime

Kai Johnson and Calen Connor in their winter wear

Kai Johnson and Calen Connor in their winter wear

Chloe Nacorra-Scruggs, Staff Writer

As the year progresses, students tend to find themselves switching from Nike shorts and an oversize t-shirts to Lululemon leggings and fuzzy sherpas. They find themselves looking to layers to save them from the cold fall and winter.

Most students feel it’s easier to dress in the summer than in the winter because of the less clothes needed.  This winter many girls have taken comfort in fuzzy coats and boots. Boys have looked to flannels over sweatshirts and jeans or sweatshirts. Freshman Luke Zimmeran said in the winter he wears softer clothes, such as sweatshirts and long sleeves.

Kai Johnson, a sophomore, had a similar opinion. “During the winter I really like thick, grandpa sweaters. In the summer I really love to wear fun shorts, but I usually trade those for jeans in the winter.” 

Junior Lauren Peltier said “In the fall or winter time I tend to wear more layers and so I’ll layer up different kinds of colors that I think go well together. In the spring it’s more like crop tops,  capri style pants and tennis shoes versus winter and fall which are more long pants and my Doc Martin boots. I think color-wise I try to take colors like hot pink and fun colors to brighten up outside when it gets so dark and I try to wear those bright colors throughout the year and not just save them for spring or summer.” 

Caelan Connor, a senior, wants to make her last year at GP a very fashion forward one. “In the winter I like to layer a lot, so things like turtlenecks under sweatshirts or I’ll do fluffy jackets over a more form-fitting shirt. Summer is way easier because you can just do a big t-shirt over shorts or you could do a dress. This year I’m really trying with my outfits because I’m a senior and I want people to think that I’m kind of cool so I’ve worn a lot more skirts this year than I have in past years. But my style really depends on the day because some days I’m really tired so I’ll throw on leggings and a big hoodie and some days I’m really feeling myself and I’ll wear like a skirt, a nice turtleneck, and boots,” Connor said.

The winter season has caused students to look to more layers and sweaters than the classic big t-shirt and shorts.