Grizzlies Prepare for Finals


Ksenia Toropov, Staff Writer

As summer creeps in, students are excited for school to end, but what students should be preparing and getting ready for, is finals week. Finals are tests that are basically a review of what you’ve learned this year/semester. There is a quiet library workspace for studying and preparations. Some students use textbooks to review what they’ve learned this semester, some use study guides that their teacher provides, some notes that their teachers make them take, others don’t prepare at all. Everyone works at a different pace and on their own time.

“I usually use study guides for preparations, and I use any resources my teachers can provide me,” freshman Angelina Babchanik said. “I also really enjoy doing Quizlets as well because it’s fun to quiz myself on what I know and remember.”

Students like using study guides to practice on how the quiz would be like. it helps with memorizing things quickly and helps you prepare for the real thing.

“In my class, we don’t do a traditional final where its cumulative  for the concepts that we have gone through the entire year,” English Teacher Mr. Hougan said. ” We will do a unit final, but one that incorporates the skills that we have worked on the entire year.”

Some students get cheat sheets from their teachers which are just extra notes that are useful to the students in their test taking.

“I’m always worried about finals week because it’s a really stressful time to be honest, but I guess I like to just study up on everything and get all my work and missing assignments in so I have no stress after finals are done,”  freshman Sage Touchette said.

Teachers are also giving students extra time to study during class.

“For second semester we will have normal final tests and ill give time in class to my students to study,” Spanish Teacher, Ms. Barney said.

As finals get closer, so does the stress that comes with them. Having great teachers to explain any confusing things is so useful.