The Event Of The Season


Madi Mullineux Perrault

Jomary Loympio works on a castle poster to show our homecoming Disney theme.

Madi Mullineux Perrault, Staff Writer

This coming Saturday, Oct. 20, is the annual homecoming dance. This event has been commonly referred to as “the event of the season”. ASB students have been working for weeks to prepare for the occasion.

The theme this year is When the Clock Strikes 12. It has taken students on a Disney adventure throughout the week leading up to the dance with Disney themed spirit days. Students have been showing their excitement for the dance by showing up to school dressed in their best spirit day attire.including PJ’s, Hawaiian wear, tacky tourist apparel and the best snow gear. Lastly, on Fri. students will dress in their craziest blue and white in preparation for our big homecoming football game!

ASB student Melody Hoepcke has been working this month on spirit days and working with other ASB students to come up with our Disney themed days.

“We all have our own separate committees where we work on different things that all build up together” Hoepcke said.

The work put into creating this event should not be underestimated.

“We have been working since the beginning of this month, and a little bit before” Hoepcke said.

Making posters informing about each spirit day, assembling homecoming court, creating the beautiful décor, the effort put into this night will surely be shown off Saturday night.

Although there is no doubt this work comes with a lot of pressure, this year’s dance seems to be going smoother than ones in recent years.

“I think it is going to turn out good, Mrs. Corwin has been telling us this has been one of the least stressful dances” Hoepcke said.