Diego Cumplido


Angela Wang, Staff Writer

“Well, I just knew that this was a topic that I had a lot of background knowledge about, and I also have a lot of friends who are taking the class so I had easy access to resources that can help me study for the test and worked off their test prep abilities. I also bought one of the AP test prep books, if you search online for any AP test there will have AP test prep books, and those are life savers especially if you are not taking the class, because they have practice tests and lots of information you need for the test. I think that was what really increased my confidence and my ability to take the test. I knew that if I’ve done well in the test prep books, I can do well on the real test. I would also say my 100% biggest resource that saved me most was a YouTuber called ‘Heimler’s History’, he’s an APUSH and AP World teacher, and he have this series of videos that talks about everything you need to know for AP World, APUSH, and AP US Government. For any student taking any of those classes it would be your life saver. For the subject, I personally really enjoy learning about the Mongol History. I know it’s a basic answer since they are very well known. But to learn about the Khan dynasties, and the conquests that they had as well as the amount of cultural integration that they brought to the entire Europe and Asia, I just think it’s really fascinating and a really unique thing.”