10 Things to Do In Your Last 24 Hours of High School

Take a photo in your rad grad outfit.

Take a photo in your rad grad outfit.

Logan Sandstrom, Staff Writer

  1. Say good bye to your favorite teachers

These people have influenced and thought of you so much throughout the last four years and have been dedicated to helping see you graduate.

  1. Picture perfect

A picture like this could bring back a million memories you could’ve forgotten.

  1. Return all of your library books and pay your fines

You can’t walk at the ceremony if you don’t do that!!!

  1. Spill your feels

Tell your friends how much they really mean to you especially if you’re going away to school.

  1. The purple sheet

Make sure the purple sheet is signed by all of your teachers, book keeping, and the lunch ladies.

  1. Get to learning

If you don’t know already make sure you learn to do the laundry, cook meals and fend for yourself. You’ll be all alone in college.

  1. Senior Prank

It’s never too late for your class to leave a legacy.

  1. A letter to yourself

Sit down and take the time to write yourself a letter of your best friends, goals, and where you think you’ll be in four years. See what changes and stays the same.

  1. Play catch up

Take the time to catch up and reconnect with someone you drifted apart from.

  1. Be proud

Other than learning to walk, talk and read, you just accomplished one of biggest milestones you will hit in your life. You worked so hard for this, and you deserve to be proud of yourself.