Freshmen Feels

Elizabeth Shapley, Staff Writer

It’s getting closer to the end of the school year and that means seniors are graduating and freshmen won’t be freshmen anymore. Freshman year is tough, and many people are excited about becoming sophomores, but that also means bittersweet feelings about losing the seniors. “Being a freshman was difficult. Let’s just say it’s not as bad as a horse in a hospital. Plus I can’t wait to be in symphonic choir with all my friends,” said Sloane Pearce.

Freshman Sage Touchette is more excited than sad about sophomore year. “I’m super excited to be stepping into my next chapter of high school, sophomore year! I feel very prepared and excited for the coming years and what they have to bring. I am planning on joining all the upcoming musicals because I have thoroughly enjoyed the two I have been in so far. I am definitely gonna miss some of my current teachers, but I am also excited to get new ones,” said Touchette.

Overall, many freshmen are very excited to move forward, but still sad about upperclassmen leaving. “I had a lot of fun being a freshman this year, all of the different classes and people I got to meet were great. I had been a part of drama and loved doing the shows and being a part of it,” said Abby Savage. “I can’t wait for next year but it’ll be sad seeing the upperclassmen leave. I look forward to being in choir next year and hopefully be in more shows in the future,” said Savage.

Another excited freshman says the scariest thing is getting closer to graduating. “I’d say that leaving freshman year is sad because of all the seniors that are leaving, but that’ll be the same for every year. I’m excited to move up a grade but that also means that I’m getting closer to graduating, which is scary. I’m glad I get more time with my friends and get to meet new teachers, exciting!” said Rowan Latch.

Some other freshmen haven’t thought a lot about it but mainly are focusing on finishing this year strong. “I don’t really have too much to say on it, mostly I need to get organized. The thing that’s gonna change the most is I’m gonna miss the seniors and there’s gonna be new freshmen coming in,” said Christian Shields.

One of the freshmen class favorites when it comes to next year is looking forward to their new classes. For those involved in the arts that also means getting new opportunities in being a part of higher up band or choir classes. “My freshman year was amazing, and I’ll be really sad to leave it behind. I loved the welcoming spirit of GP and the enthusiasm of starting a new section of our lives. But I’m super excited to meet my new teachers and explore new classes as a sophomore! And now that I’m a sophomore I get to be a part of symphonic choir, which is something I’ve looked forward to for years,” said Emma Simpkins.