Anna Radtke

Anna Radtke

Eleanor Schindele, Staff Writer

“I’m in jazz at school. And some friends and I decided to create a jazz band over the summer to practice and keep up on that, and to have fun. I don’t think we’ll be good enough to get gigs honestly, but that’ll be fun. I’m looking forward to getting to know the other players. And it’ll be nice because I feel like in jazz especially, when it’s all different instruments or very few of each instrument, then it’s good to connect with the rest of the band. It makes you play better., being able to understand what the other person’s going to play. It’s such a flexible style of music. It’s a lot more creative and stylistic music than typical classical music that we play in normal band. Being able to solo and come up with stuff on the spot, and sometimes it comes out really well. It’s a really good feeling, really rewarding I would say. And being able to hear what other people can come up with. Sometimes we do like trading fours, which is four measures each, we bounce back and forth. And that’s cool cause you can try to use the other persons ideas.”