Bob’s Story

Bobs Story

Samantha Kunz, Staff Writer

As the air cools and leaves change, farms all around celebrate the beginning of a new season with favorite fall traditions. At Bob’s Corn in Snohomish, they don’t only celebrate cider and the bountiful amounts of pumpkins, they celebrate family.

If you visit Bob’s you’ll see students from school at work. They run the cash register at the country store and security down in the corn maze.

“I’ve been working here for two years now, and I love working at the kids maze because I get to see the kids running around, smiling and just having a good time,” Shelby Clark said.

Along with the kid’s maze, the farm has musical entertainment, The Country Kitchen, Anne’s Sweets, the annually changing big corn maze, firepits, and the famous Cow Train.

“It’s my first year working at Bob’s Corn and I love it already! It’s fun seeing and getting to know new people, and just making their day,” Mikayla Stokley said.

Bob’s Corn started with Bob’s dad giving him permission to sell corn off the side of the road at nine years old. His small business slowly grew until he left for college. He drove back on the weekends to help keep up the farm. When Bob graduated from college, he came back to the farm and made a enlarged the retail corn sales by selling to local grocery stores.

Later, Bob was able to turn their dairy barn, built in 1898, into a Country store which welcomes visitors from all around. As the farm grew Bob needed more workers. He decided to hire local high school students.  Now, many students work for Bob, and recognize local families as they  it has come to celebrate community, and enjoy favorite fall festivities.