GPHS’s Not So Gossip Girl

Kayla Wentland, Staff Writer

In a world where the phone is glued to our hands or magnetized to our pockets, it’s rare to read Tweets and Instagram comments that are all positive.

As you scroll, you might receive a mysterious follow under the name of “@gphsanonymous” and as you stalk the account, you’ll notice the positive compliments. The question many of us ponder is who are the faces behind the account? (As a side note, I contacted the account in a private message to carry on this interview.)

The accounts started last year with a senior who graduated and is currently run by three seniors, one junior, and one sophomore. They identify themselves as symbols, an “x”, “O”, a cat and a rose emoji. The last person doesn’t have a symbol, yet.

“I have felt alone a lot in the past and it’s an unbearable feeling. I want to make sure no one has to feel the way I did,” said “O”.

GPHS Anonymous allows you to submit nice things about classmates and a photo of them. Most people have the courage to speak up and tell all the nice things they love about someone, it could be your crush (wink, wink), or you’re best friend, but the accounts allow you to make someone’s day or maybe for some, an impact.

“I started doing this because I wanted to impact the school but I didn’t know how,” said “O.”

Most of the comments on Instagram are people who agree with the original kind post. It gives an avenue for students to jump on the feed and continue the positive vibes.  If you Tweet about how you’re having a bad day, they’ll catch it and most of the time respond with a little pick me up, saying they care and are there for you.

“It really makes me happy to see others happy. It’s like I’m doing something in my life that I’m proud of,” said the nameless symbol of the account.