The Last Good-Bye


Kayla Wentland, Staff Writer

For Senior Laruen Sanders, the first semester of this year will be her last. Starting next March, Sanders will be joining the University of Washington for an early start on her full ride scholarship. This 6’4’’, D1 athlete has her hands on a once in a life time chance to get her nursing major and minor in Spanish while playing the game that got her there, volleyball.

“I’m super excited, yet nervous. It’s just all so new really quick,” Sanders said.

Sanders will get to graduate early and possibly walk with the rest of her class if her schedule works out. Most coaches and high school athletes are starting do this if they have enough credits to graduate early. For the Spring quarter in March, she will be living at home but come fall, Sanders will be housing on campus with the rest of the volleyball team.

This extra leap in her education gives her another year to earn her master’s degree for nursing. Sander’s had a choice between Wisconsin, UCLA, and UW, but chose UW because of the coaches, academics, and the amazing volleyball team.

“I’ll miss seeing my friends every day, but it gives me the option to learn faster,” Sander said.