Ms. Kuehn

Ms. Kuehn has become a part of all of our lives, she greets all students with a smile, and says her goodbyes with a smile. In the 4 years you have at GP she becomes a well known face. She always makes sure your’e having a good day, or offers you sweets from her candy bowl in the counseling office. To most of us, she has helped make our time at GP even more memorable.

I talked to Ms. Kuehn and asked her a few questions, and this is what she had to say.

1. How long have you been working at GP and what do you do? I have worked at Glacier Peak High School in the Counseling Office as the Administrative Assistant since it opened in 2008.

2. How has your experience at GP been? I have loved working for Glacier Peak. The staff are family to me and the students and their families have been such a joy. When I go home for the day I am usually feeling so fulfilled, feeling like I made somebody’s life just a little bit better..

3. What are some of your favorite memories( name one-two) My favorite memories, there are so many great memories. One of my favorite memories was a young lady who had not taken school too seriously until her senior year. Right before graduation she needed one more BYU test to graduate. While she was attending the Senior parade around the school I waited to hear if she passed. When I discovered that she did, I waited for her to walk by me. When I told her she passed she fell into my arms in tears and thanked me. She told me her struggles at home and told me I had helped her through her high school years and would never forget me. My other favorite memories is just remembering the past and present students and how much they have meant to me.

This is Ms. Kuhen’s last year at GP, but we want to show our appreciation and love towards her, Thank you for all you have done for us.