Covid-19 Control at School

What is Different this Year Compared to the Last

Covid-19 Control at School

Lanielyn Larrauri, Yearbook Staff

School is now back open, and students have chosen either hybrid or remote learning, but what’s different?  

Everyone is expected to wear their masks properly and social distance. 

Students are expected to complete a daily attestation before 6:45 am using the Qualtrics app and if that is not done by then, they are required to have an in-person screening at the main office doors. 

The school doors open at 7:00 am and Classrooms open at 7:15 am. Each student is admitted in after one of the attestation staff verifies the individual. Zero period students check in with their teachers to confirm their attestation. 

-Once a student enters, they are seated in the cafeteria and are only allowed to remain it there for no longer than 15 minutes until they must get to class. 

Those showing symptoms of illness and do not pass screening will be taken to the Care room. 

-Stairwells are now two directional so everyone should be walking on the right side of the hall and no lingering. 

-There is a maximum capacity of 4 students per restroom and students waiting to go in must stand in the marked spots on the floor. 

-Single cohorts are allowed in the library at one time and must sanitize before entering and exiting. Students cannot enter on their own and must follow the directional arrows to a seating are if they are let in. There is a book browsing area and a collection carts for books that are picked up and not checked out. 

-Desks in classrooms are spaced 6 feet apart and disinfecting wipes are available in each room. There is a use of high touch materials and shared materials must be disinfected. 

Remember that these rules are exceedingly important to keep ourselves and those around us safe. Now that schools are opening back up, Covid-19 cases in American children and teens are rising. In order to be able to remain in school now and to return next year, it is essential that these directions be followed.