Tips to stay Motivated

Tips to stay Motivated

As the end of the year starts to approach staying motivated too do your schoolwork can be hard. Motivation is what drives us to make things happen although staying motivated is not always the easiest to do. Here are some tips on how to become and stay motivated if you are feeling unmotivated and want to get stuff done.

  • Pick your most productive time. Studies have found that the two hours right after you wake up are the most productive. If possible, you can set-side some of this time to tackle your schoolwork. If you are more of a night time person you can choose a certain time for when you plan on completing an hour or so of homework every night; either right when you get home or when you feel most productive.
  • Set up each study session. When you know you are gonna start your study time, try not to go on any social media. To help take each study session serous you can set up blocks of time where you turn everything off. This includes Turing your phone off, and anything around you that might distract you. Closely guard this time to completing your school work and you’ll begin to notice how much you can get done in such a short amount of time.
  • Celebrate your accomplishments. Take a moment at the end of every day and look at what you have completed. Even if there are more things left to do and there usually will be, you can take this time to acknowledge and celebrate what you have done. The sense of accomplishment and pride you feel can help you stay motivated for weeks to come.

Here are also some spotify playlists to help you stay focused