Special Election February 14


Hiro Hirano-Holcomb, Staff Writer

State and local government is often overlooked in favor of federal dramatics and controversy, but very often, state law and local city administration is what impacts Washingtonians the most. Phrases like “politics don’t matter” and “there’s no point” plague many people due to the slow and often undemocratic way that the United States federal government works but are intrigued by the spectacle and passion it can bring out in people. Perhaps you have felt this.  

The 2020 General Election overall turnout in Snohomish County was 85.17 percent, and in 2022 the overall voter turnout was 63.32 percent. In comparison, voter turnout in Snohomish County in 2021 was just 35.92 percent. Looking deeper into these numbers, 2020 was the year of the widely known 2020 Presidential Election and 2022 was the midterms when Congressional elections took place. 2021 only held elections of local leaders and positions including Snohomish County Council members and school board members. 

Local leaders are the people who make decisions that have the most immediate and direct impact on people. Whether it be mayors, city or county council members, or school board members, the people elected to Municiple and regional public office are key to the well-being of everyone in the community, including students. The nearby Monroe School district is a prime example of this. The school district faces the possibility of being dissolved due to the continuation of the levy to fund schools being repeatedly voted down with only 20% voter turnout. Lack of participation from the community could not only impact the funding of the school district and for crucial resources for students, but also surrounding districts. If the community fails to vote for the levy again and the district dissolves, districts surrounding the Monroe School District will have to absorb Monroe schools to compensate. 

An election is coming up on Feb. 14 and on the ballot of the 2023 Special Election in Snohomish County is Snohomish Regional Fire and Rescue Proposition No. 1. which would increase the size of the Board of Commissioners from Five to Seven Positions due to a merger to effectively represent the increased amount of people in the community that the Board of Commissioners would represent as a result. and arguments for and against are available here and in the informational packet that comes with ballots. And no, the results may not end up on national TV or cause a national uproar, but it is still equally as important to share use your voice and vote. Ballots must be put in the mailbox or dropped off at a ballot drop box by Feb. 14 but the earlier the better.

If between the ages of 16-17, you can preregister to vote so that a ballot will automatically be sent to your address the first election when you are 18. Register or pre-register to vote here