Jett Eckstrom


Photo by Taylor White

Taylor White, Staff Writer

When I was 12, I loved to go explore the forest between neighborhoods. My friends and I would just chop down trees/branches and blaze trails. We also liked to climb trees a lot. One day I was climbing a tall tree. I got about half way up the tree when I got to a branch that had a ton of termites in it. It was all rotten inside. When I went to pull myself up using that branch, I heard the branch starting to crack. At the same time, I tried reaching my foot to another branch to catch myself, but it was too late. I fell all the way to the ground hitting branches on my way down. I would guess that I fell about 20 feet in this fashion. I didn’t have any serious injuries except for my pride. After I fell, all I was really thinking was, “Boy, I want some Ravioli.” So it was obvious that I really wasn’t that hurt.